Air Filters Made in the USA. Free Shipping to most U.S. states*. International shipping available. Subscriptions now available for certain products.

Contact Us

Use the contact form below for all matters.

Shipping and order status answers (read before contacting):

There are variable handling times for all items. 

When you place your order you will receive an order confirmation email. When your order ships you will receive a tracking email. There are no status updates or ship dates given in between those two emails. We may contact you for clarification on sizing, etc. If you did not receive a confirmation email after placing your order, check your spam folder, or you may have entered your email address incorrectly. Fill out the contact form below so we can re-send a confirmation. 

Most standard sizes ship within 3-15 business days but can vary. Do not ask about your shipment until the 16th business day if your item hasn't shipped yet. Weekends and holidays are not business days. Many custom sizes are listed for your ordering convenience and those have a longer handling time. The maximum handling time is typically not more than 30 days, but it can go over depending on the product. 

If you have not received a tracking email, then your order has not yet shipped. Rest assured your order is in line and will be fulfilled.

If you placed an order, and have not yet received a tracking email, the status is that the order has been placed and is processing; at this point you shall await the tracking email. Do not ask about your order status, shipment, or expected ship date if your order is within the parameters listed on this page. If your order status falls outside of the parameters, please contact us. 

Your payment method is charged at checkout, as it is with most websites. The date of payment and the date of shipment are not related. 

Product pages that offer non-standard sizes list the standard sizes in the product description, and the dropdown menu contains both standard and non-standard sizes for you to choose from. 

We offer hundreds of products and sizes for your ordering convenience, so you can acquire the obscure items that you need. If you need a size added to a product page, please contact us.

The contact form below is the only official method of communication. Air Filter Hub is an online business and does not operate a call center. 

Again, your payment method is charged at checkout as stated in the terms of the site.

We typically reply to contact form messages the same or next business day. 

Our email: (do not send attachments, paste the content in the email)

Please use your AFH order number if inquiring about an order. Your order number starts with AFH and has numbers behind it (i.e. AFH5421) and is found in your confirmation email or on your packing slip if you received a shipment. 

Threats, ultimatums, and unwarranted whining that contradicts the site's policies will not be tolerated. We are here to work with you. Use the above contact form only, for all matters. We are primarily an online business and do not operate a call center. Do not call for price quotes, use the contact form, please provide specifications for what you need, quotes are done through email only. Our number is 570-952-5899, leave a voicemail and we'll call back as soon as possible (this may be up to several days). Use the contact form above for a faster reply, typically same or next day. Do not double call this number, it is not a service bell. We will get back to you when we are finished serving those in line. If you can, use the contact form above, you have already made it this far, you can do it!
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